
Two giveaways for THE TEMPTATION OF ADAM by Dave Connis

Hey hey!

I just wanted to swing by and let everyone know that we're racking up the giveaways for THE TEMPTATION OF ADAM. If you enter them, you could win a pre-order of TOA.

The first giveaway is hosted by YA Book Central as a part of my cover reveal (so if you haven't seen it yet, definitely swing by). You can enter that giveaway and see my shiny new cover here. This will be running for another month.

The second is hosted by friend and blogger, Hannah Courtney in celebration of her birthday. Yes, it's her birthday and she's giving away a copy of my book. What a standup human. You can read a little blip of TOA and sign up for that giveaway here. This will be running for another week.

Here's to your winning luck!